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Tuesday 23 July 2013

My Prom Experience

A few weeks ago we had our school prom to celebrate the official end of secondary school!!!

Dress and Shoes
Finding the 'perfect' prom dress was truly painful! Mum and I spent at least four separate weekends in different places searching for the perfect one. I varied in style from Ted Baker, Ghost and Coast. I really didn't know what I wanted. In the end we got one in Cambridge, I had an appointment at Addenbrooke's and since it's quite a trek for us we figured it made sense to make a day out of it.

I got this dress in a small boutique after nearly giving up and going home. It was quite the find and I am so happy with it still. It was a little bigger than any other dress that I'd tried, but at this point prom was only a couple of weeks away and we didn't have any time left.

The real problem I had with prom dresses was the sizing! Seriously they didn't seem to have any dresses left in the 6/8 sizes! It was so frustrating, but I can only blame myself for leaving it so late!

Well, the dress was fantastic quality and I loved it, I felt like a princess

Although you can't actually see the shoes in any of the pictures, they looked like this. I got my shoes weeks before the dress, and managed to break them in really well. They were comfy but I put them on around 6 o'clock and didn't get to take them off until gone 1 o'clock the following morning! That my friends is stamina! 

I picked these shoes because I will definitely wear them again and I think they're gorgeous, impulse buying at its best!

Hair and Make up
I did it all myself! I spent hours trawling through YouTube and blogposts, but in the end I improvised my hair from this YouTube video. Ok, so mine looks nothing like it, but that's where I got the inspiration! I also used some big glittery bobby pins I purchased from Claire's Accessories, to close off the little "doughnuts" so that I had some more sparkle.

I don't really think that the pictures really pick up the make up that well, but it took me bloody ages to complete! I focused on the eyes, with big false lashes and mainly nude eyeshadow. I attempted a smoky eye in grey, but it was a disaster. Thankfully I extensively practised my hair and make up beforehand so I knew exactly what I was doing.

Venue and Dates
The prom was held at a local converted barn venue. I've been there for meals and stuff many times and it's a truly fantastic spot. The inside of the barn was beautifully decorated and it was obvious how much effort had gone into all the preparation and I honestly think it was all worth it! We also had some great little extras, like a sweet buffet and a photobooth, that was so fun! We got to dress up in silly hats, wigs, glasses, etc. and pose in the booth in groups, plus we got a little strip to take away, totally free!

My secondary school was a girl's, hence the absence of any guys in the pics. Although everyone was entitled to bring a date if they wanted, we decided in our friendship group, that we wouldn't. We wanted the evening to be about our friendship and the end of an era! Besides I don't have a boyfriend and honestly thought it would be a bit awkward. One of my guy friends was like, "Oh I'll take the bullet and pretend to be your boyfriend for the evening." Yeah that didn't go down well, I don't think he'll suggest it again!

These songs I will now always associate with prom!
Everybody was up and dancing and just having a superb time! But these are a few that stand out in the haze of the dancing, that and my feet bloody killing afterwards!

I think prom is a night that I will never forget, it was lovely. The next morning was so depressing, a huge anti-climax. Still it was a fantastic night to get dressed up, be with friends and have a bloody amazing time!

How did all your proms go? Don't be shy leave a comment!
xo Belley

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