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About Belley

Here is the 21 Questions Tag. I love reading other bloggers, so I figured, why not do my own?!

1. Are you named after anyone? 
No I don't think so. My Dad told me that my parents were going to call me Isabel, but then so many people started calling their daughters that and they changed their minds. My middle name "Lily" is after my Dad's Nana though, my Great-Grandma, because my Dad and her were really close and I'm honoured to have her name!

2. When was the last time you cried?
Ummm, the main reason I usually cry is out of anger to be honest. Sometimes I just get so angry with a situation/person/myself that I just cry my eyes out! I was, however, watching 'The Last Song' with my sister last weekend and we were both bawling our eyes out nearly 20 minutes after the film had ended!

3. Do you have kids?
Nope, but I want a BIG family in the future, 5 or 6 probably.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? 
Well I think I would? I don't know because sometimes I'm awestruck by the fact that I actually have friends. If I was a really sensitive or arrogant person then we would definitely not get on!

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never! I am known for being quite sarcastic and impatient at times, but I never mean to be harsh or mean, it's just my sense of humour. "A sharp tongue does not mean you have a key mind" must be the thing that my Mum is constantly reciting to me, but eh!

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? 
7. What’s your favourite cereal?
The mini honey nut shredded wheat because they are to die for, or golden nuggets if I'm craving some sugar!

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their hands, maybe a bit odd, but I'm really aware of how clean they are.... When I see people I check out their nails and how dry their hands are, you can tell a lot about a person based on looking at their hands for just 30 seconds or so!

9. What is your eye colour? 
10. Scary movie or happy endings? 
I'm not into scary movies, give me a Disney ending any day!

11. Favourite smells?
I love the smell of freshly cut grass, but I get hay fever so it's not the greatest of combinations! I also love Daisy by Marc Jacobs and freshly baked bread yum!

12. Summer or winter? 
Summer is my least favourite season but Winter kind of sucks as well, it seems as though it goes on forever in the UK. They both have positives and negatives. I love the length of the days during summer and being able to walk out the house without searching for hat, scarf, gloves, coat, etc. BUT I honestly prefer winter fashion, knitwear over shorts any day and summer means one thing, bloody bugs bloody everywhere!! I'm terrified of wasps and they just follow you wherever you go! Winter also means Christmas, which has to be the best time of the year and my favourite sport is Skiing sooooo, yeah WINTER!!!

13. Computer or television? 
You can watch TV on the computer, but not the other way around!!

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
Well I'm born and raised in England and never lived abroad.... I think the furthest I've been on holiday is Florida during Easter 2013.

15. What are your hobbies?
I'm a fairly active person and love being outdoors, I'm a country girl through and through so I've grown up around fields and farms in a small village parish community. So with that I can ride a horse, but it always looks way better than it actually is, "a mon avis". But I love sailing and skiing, and am a "Young Leader" at my local Girl Guiding Unit. I also like to cook and enjoy learning languages!

16. Where were you born?
England, that's not very interesting.

17. Do you have any special talents?
Not really, unless you include being able to inhale a whole packet of digestive biscuits? No didn't think so!

18. Do you have any pets?
Yep, I have an eleven year old dog. His name is Dougal, he's a Cairn Terrier and most definitely the fifth member of our family!

19. Favorite movie? 
I love the Harry Potters, my favourite being Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but come on the books are so much better! I also love anything with Disney characters, favourites being Tarzan, Beauty and the Beast and Tangled, or superheroes! I love Spiderman, Green Lantern, Batman or Iron Man, urgh so great to watch whatever your mood. Plus my guilty pleasure is any really cheesy action movie like the Mummy series or the Librarian series. They're so bad that they're good!

20. Do you have any siblings? 
Yes have a sister, two years younger than me
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? 
I couldn't even tell you what my plans are next week, so my plans are to work hard and just do what I enjoy, how could that possible go wrong?!?

Thanks for reading, hope you got to learn a bit more about me!
Drop a comment below answering some of the questions for yourselves, so I can learn a bit more about you guys to!
xo Belley

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