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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Mini Waitrose Beauty Haul

This is definitely the plus side to grocery shopping with my Mother!

Waitrose is not usually the shop I go to for my beauty essentials but I did manage to pick up exactly what I needed at really good prices! 

Although these are not my favourite razors, they were half price and my sister really likes them, so I figured that it made sense to give them a try. 

I used this Clearasil cleanser when I just started to take care of my skin properly, I was maybe 12 or 13, and it did the trick for me. A couple of weeks ago I was staying at my Nana's for the weekend and in my mad panic to get my crap together I picked up the worst facial scrub I have ever used (post to come!). It broke me out in literally 5 minutes and in an attempt to get my face under control I borrowed some of my cousin's Clearasil. Low and behold, my skin was saved, so I really wanted to give it a try again since my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish is finished.

I had a trip to the dentist's today, boo! I have one tooth at the front of my lower jaw that recedes slightly, it's not all that noticeable, but it's a haven for plaque, so my dentist had to do that horrible metalic, scrape scrape scrape, thing with that evil looking device, and urgh I hate it! So she recommended these toothbrushes for me to use and I'll try them out tonight.

Company magazine is really not my favourite, I honestly don't like it, but I use it to decorate my bedroom, sooo....

This toner/makeup remover has been raved about on the blogosphere, but I could never find it in Boots or Superdrug, Tesco or Sainsburys. So when I saw it sitting innocently on the shelf I snapped it up quicker than anything. I'm really excited to try this out later!

What I actually needed, cotton buds and cotton pads, I totally forgot to pick up! Typical!

A quick note on my Barry M polish (here) I've found that they are already chipping, despite two coats and a top coat. I've come to the conclusion that maybe three coats would be better? But maybe I just can't force it to stay put! Any thoughts?

Can any of you guys resist the lure of innocently adding little bits and pieces into the shopping cart?
xo Belley

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